Mission Statement

Take control of the cyber fires once and for all

The biggest challenge that businesses have today is protecting themselves from online threats and constantly dealing with damage control. Business owners cannot afford to deal with breaches which could lead to expensive penalties. IT departments can barely keep up with the deluge of attacks coming in every day. Team members have enough on their plate already without having to worry about being scammed or accidentally clicking a link that brings down the entire office network.

Solving Cyber Security

We're business owners just like you, so we understand how it feels to constantly be putting out fires. This is what we help our clients to solve, and it's not nearly as expensive / disruptive / complicated as it sounds.

Our Story

In the absence of alternatives, Paladin was born.

Recognising the insufficiency of traditional IT support practices to weather cyber attacks, Paladin was born. Our founders (Ian, Lee, Jess and Jean) have provided decades worth of IT services for some of Britain's top businesses - from music labels to healthcare institutions and financial powerhouses; there isn't a single industry we haven't served.

As cyber-attacks became increasingly devastating to our clients and there were very few off-the-shelf solutions, we knew it was time to step up. We've put in countless hours creating Paladin's toolset to provide comprehensive security that is available to every business. Although it would have been easy enough to offer a 30-page menu of services, we took time perfecting a select group of packages and specific services that deliver exceptional results.

Paladin is your go-to solution if you're seeking to regain control and ward off future cyber attacks without having to break the bank.

Picture of people with smiling faces Picture of people with smiling faces
Vision Statement

Cybersecurity should be easy to implement, effective and accessible to everyone

We strive to create a future where businesses, organisations, and individuals can all benefit from secure technology environments that are free of threats and vulnerabilities. We have invested in innovative technologies and training that simplify the process of securing data and devices while also providing greater security resources for our clients. Our mission is to make cybersecurity easy, effective, and accessible, empowering people and organisations to protect their technology with confidence.

But we're not just focused on the technology. By providing easy-to-absorb training and ongoing testing to our clients and their teams, we're empowering every individual to become highly skilled in identifying risks and navigating threats that protect themselves and their colleagues, at home and in the office. We believe that everyone should have access to powerful and affordable tools, enabling them to confidently protect themselves and their data.

Our Values

6 compelling reasons why you should partner with Paladin

We're driven by our values to ensure success, and to make sure that our clients can trust us as a reliable partner. What sets us apart from the competition is that we consider ourselves a part of your team, rather than just an outside provider. Here are just a few of the values that we stand for:


Our team is composed of experts, innovators and leaders all focused on making our clients' lives easier. We believe that a job isn't finished until it meets or exceeds our rigorous standards of excellence.


We are committed to providing honest, transparent and reliable services to our clients. We take our client's trust seriously and do not take shortcuts or make promises that we cannot keep.


We are constantly researching new products, services and technologies to ensure that our clients have the most effective solutions available. Cyber attacks are becoming more sophisticated each day, and we aim to be 10 steps ahead at all times.


We believe that collaboration is essential to success. We are always looking for ways to work with our partners and clients to build better, stronger security solutions and relationships.


We are dedicated to creating an inclusive environment where everyone feels accepted and respected. We believe in equal opportunities for everyone, no matter their background or experience.


We take responsibility for our actions and understand that results are only achieved when we stay focused on our commitments. We take ownership of any successes and failures and strive to learn from each experience.