GDPR Compliance

Implement and maintain your compliance with GDPR

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a set of international data protection rules that require organisations to demonstrate that they are taking steps to protect user data. Businesses should integrate GDPR compliance measures into every stage of their development and review processes to avoid any penalties or fines. If your organisation suffers a data breach or if someone complains about your data collection practices, you will need to be able present proof that you have been adhering to GDPR requirements.

Service Overview

How becoming GDPR compliant works

Compliance with GDPR isn't just a box-ticking exercise; it should be something that is prioritised whenever implementing or reviewing any technical or organisational controls. Organizations need to be accountable for how they handle data, which means demonstrating compliance is essential.

On paper, GDPR compliance looks like a complicated process; however, Paladin makes it easy to manage with our unique online management system, making it simple for business owners and authorised staff members to manage changes to policy when required.


The GDPR compliance process

GDPR demands evidence of various policies and procedures, for example, data protection, DPIA (data protection impact assessment), retention of records, training, subject access request forms, and so on. Overall, it can be a lot to keep up with but that's where Paladin can help simplify the process.


Making GDPR compliance easier

At Paladin, we can help in several ways, including conducting a gap analysis to explore your business policies, processes, resources, governance and technology to identify areas of non-compliance, as well as implementing GDPR from the ground up. If you're unsure of where to begin, we're able to provide audits and consultancy too.


Further protection should be considered

Data breaches are now more common than ever, so it's crucial to have stronger security measures than the minimum requirements for compliance. Going through GDPR compliance establishes awareness about how important cyber security is, and Paladin's packages help businesses to become more resilient against attacks.

Packaged Services

GDPR is part of our compliance frameworks

Here at Paladin, we want to give you the best cyber defence possible. Cybersecurity is a complicated process that includes many different parts working together efficiently to be successful, and GDPR is only one part of this puzzle. To make things easier for you, we have created packages that come with several of our services so you can get the full protection you deserve.

assess & prevent
Foundation Package

All the building blocks required to build a strong defence.

protect & respond
Advanced Add-ons

The most advanced strategies available to businesses.

Compliance Packages

Frameworks for legal and best practice security compliance.

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