PCI DSS Compliance

Protect your sensitive merchant data with PCI DSS

The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) exists to make sure that any company processing, storing, or transmitting credit card information does so in a secure way. The PCI Security Standards Council (PCI SSC), which is run by Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover and JCB manages the PCI DSS. Even though the council can't legally impose compliance, it's still required for businesses that handle credit or debit card payments.

Service Overview

How becoming PCI DSS compliant works

The Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council (PCI SSC) provides specification frameworks, tools, measurements, and support resources to help ensure payment card data security. The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is the foundation of the council since it encompasses prevention, detection, and reaction strategies for handling potential security incidents.

Everyone from merchants processing card payments to service providers developing applications used for processing card transactions must abide by the PCI DSS rules and standards. If your organisation accepts credit or debit cards, it is worth reviewing whether PCI DSS is a requirement for your business.


The PCI DSS compliance process

Certification from the PCI SSC protects cardholder data by mandating 12 best practices. The technical details that must be addressed include securing networks and cardholder data, vulnerability management, access control and network monitoring/testing. Also, a policy surrounding information security should always be up-to-date.


PCI DSS compliance levels

There are 4 levels of PCI compliance, based on the number of credit or debit card transactions a business processes annually. The classification level determines what an enterprise needs to do to stay compliant, ranging from self-assessment questionnaires (SAQ) to internal audits and PCI scans performed by an approved scanning vendor (ASV).


Further protection should be considered

Although PCI compliance does not create an impenetrable fortress against cyber-attacks, it establishes a solid base level of security. With attacks increasing in number and sophistication, the highest level of protection is necessary when dealing with sensitive data. Therefore, utilising a Security Operation Service (SOC) service and Endpoint Detection & Response (EDR) products would also be beneficial.

Packaged Services

PCI DSS is part of our compliance frameworks

At Paladin, we're dedicated to giving you the most comprehensive cyber defence available. Cybersecurity is a complex process that requires many different parts to work together to be effective and PCI DSS is only one element of this puzzle. We offer package deals that include several of our services so you can get the protection you need.

assess & prevent
Foundation Package

All the building blocks required to build a strong defence.

protect & respond
Advanced Add-ons

The most advanced strategies available to businesses.

Compliance Packages

Frameworks for legal and best practice security compliance.

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