Cyber Essentials Certification

The benefits of becoming Cyber Essentials certified

'Cyber Essentials' is a government-backed initiative that assists businesses of all sizes in protecting themselves against the most common cyber threats. Though digital attacks come in many forms, the great majority are simplistic and executed by people with little experience, and it's these sorts of attacks that the Cyber Essentials framework is designed to keep at bay.

Service Overview

How Cyber Essentials certification works

There are two types of certification available: Cyber Essentials and Cyber Essentials Plus. Both require the same security protections, but the Plus version requires technical verification to be performed in person. Also, if you want to be able to bid on some government contracts, then you are required to have at least the Cyber Essentials certification.

So, why should you become Cyber Essentials certified? Well, it is a great way to demonstrate to your customers and potential customers that you take cybersecurity seriously, and that you have taken the steps necessary to protect yourself from cyber-attacks. It is also a cost-effective way of doing so; most companies will find that they can get the certification in a matter of days or weeks, rather than months or years.


5 basic controls that protect against 80% of attacks

By following the five security controls found in Cyber Essentials, organisations can defend against roughly 80% of common cyber attacks. These controls include firewalls, malware protection, software updates, access control and configuration. The scheme will help you reduce weak points such as phishing attacks, malware, ransomware, password-guessing attempts and network attacks.


More likely to increase further security controls

The NCSC (National Cyber Security Centre) reviewed the impact that Cyber Essentials has on cyber security attitudes and behaviours. It found that businesses certified by the scheme are more likely to put into place additional cyber security controls as they became increasingly aware of the dangers posed by cyber-attacks, similar to the ones offered by Paladin's foundation package.


Demonstrate your commitment to cyber security

By prominently displaying your organisation's Cyber Essentials certification on the NCSC website for potential suppliers and clients to see, you're showing a commitment to data protection and cyber security. This provides peace of mind to customers that you take security seriously and have measures in place to protect them, which could also help attract new business.

Packaged Services

Cyber Essentials is part of our compliance frameworks

There are several key components of a strong cyber security defence, and Paladin can help you with all of them. Our services are designed to work well together, and we offer package deals that will be cost-effective for your business. Becoming Cyber Essentials certified is just one part of what we can do for you.

assess & prevent
Foundation Package

All the building blocks required to build a strong defence.

protect & respond
Advanced Add-ons

The most advanced strategies available to businesses.

Compliance Packages

Frameworks for legal and best practice security compliance.

View Packages